Saturday, March 26, 2005
Erm..dont really have idea what to update maa...ari ni: {xoxoxoxoxoxo} Hallu~~ Friday, March 25, 2005
ermm..i ve changed a lil bit on my template...tuka gamba senirik ngn sizing..harap2 bole load la sesape yg pakai mozilla tuh..hehe...mlm ni tadek wat pa per...pc ni dah 2 kalik hang dah...nak soh tambah ram kot..huhuhu...cik lane ader test sok..GIS..gudluck cik laneyyy sayang..hehehe..gambatek~~
{xoxoxoxoxoxo} Test is Over! Thursday, March 24, 2005
yeah....dah habis dah test...hari ni baru habis PPCS (Plant Process Control System) nyer test 1. bole tahan gak la soklan dia...aku dah la pening giler bace smlm...last2 tuh bab2 PID mmg dah tak masuk ape dah lam kepala dah...surrender la, then g tido,dlm kol 4 gak la kot..cik lane lagi lambat kot tido, taper la dia kelas kol 4, adoi la jeles......erm...skang ni waiting for CS2 nyer kelas..sambil2 lepak kat lam PSCAD ni ha...heheheh
{xoxoxoxoxoxo} Power Electronics Test1 Wednesday, March 23, 2005
huhuhu..tgh2 stady nih..sempat lagi aku update..sumorg dah tdo...petang karang aku ader test wei...power electronics at 2-4pm. subject yg quite tough, need deep understanding in circuit and electronics..huhuhu..gambate (kata cik lane :D)
{xoxoxoxoxoxo} LAVA Lamp~ Monday, March 21, 2005
haluuuuuu....i got my cool lava lamp~~ TQ to cik laney sayang....still waiting for the lava to blob up~~ :D
{xoxoxoxoxoxo} Get a PC at last~~ Sunday, March 20, 2005
halu...hari ni maka telah tamat lah kerja2 pembaikian komputer..hasilnye, aku telah dapat satu PC seniri (thanx to miss laney comel) and dapat byk ilmu dalam baiki komputer n sikit2 pasal computer management and installation etc....byk gak aku tau skang..hehehe....dah brape lame bilik aku bersepah skang dah kemas balik dah...nak harapkan pc abg aku hampessss...bikin aku pening kepala saja...nasib baik dapat gak pc cik lane..hehehe...ermm...tp problem dia netwok card ni ape punye penyakit daaa....aku nyer LAN connection just 10 Mbps, 10 times slower than anyone else....it should be 100 Mbps maa~ tatau la pesal..nnt la carik network card baru... skang tgh2 menginstall sbb aku nak dload installer dr irc pon lembab nak mampos..tensen sungguh aku~ huh
{xoxoxoxoxoxo} |
![]() me, myself & I... ~ MaLiKi a.k.a. MaliQue ~ ~ MalaYSian ~ ~ UniVErsiTi TeKNoloGi PetR0na$ (UTP) ~
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