Date: 16th July 2005
Time: 8.00 pm - 12.00 am
Venue: Istana Hotel, Kuala Lumpur
Theme: "Suatu Masa - Colourfully Carefree"
Attendance: 733
Batches: 73' - 04'

Batch 2000 Attendance:
1. Maliki Maidin a.k.a. Myself
2. Izniza Afzan Mustafa Al-Bakri a.k.a. Ajan (+ her bf)
3. Shahruddin Aree a.k.a. Ustat
4. Saza Zuliana Mohmad Shani a.k.a. Jaja
5. Azri Mangsor a.k.a Jep
6. Habibah Ismail a.k.a. Bibah
7. Mawar Mallissa Harun a.k.a. Mawar
8. Firdaus Bahari a.k.a Daud Bahari
9. Firdaus Amrizal a.k.a Daud Am
10. Masruri Samais a.k.a Mas
11. Mohd Razid a.k.a ajid
12. Mohd Yusof a.k.a Ucop
13. Racey Ridzuan a.k.a Acap
14. Affni a.k.a She (+ hef bf)
The event was so gr8 that nite..surely amazing and really2 havoc~. I was really happy to see all my frens eventho some of em werent there that happy to see my ex-class mate and my ex-skoolmate.. its very long time not seeing, ajan was there with us...thats the part of the reason i was there :) so, this are the list of the event that i can revise that nite:
- Registration (got a paper bag with souveniers)
- Speeches
- Pastu ada mamat main2 sembur cool~
- Tayangan video
- Kutipan Derma
- Makan (x puas hati sbb mknn x bess)
- Prize giving ceremony
- Awards to pakaian paling cantik (L/P)
- Persembahan oleh seniors....lagu Elvis etc
- Persembahan oleh Nash..lagu2 bess sumer
- Lucky Draw ( im so lucky that nite~)
- Penyerahan Tugas to Batch 85'
- Nyanyian Lagu SMSS
- Bersurai + photo session
It was colourfully organized by batch 84'....paling bess bile bole nyanyi lagu ngan nash reramai..bergema dewan tu.... sebalik citer2 bess tu ada gak citer yg tak bess nyer..bagi aku laa..the registration form says that ajan and her bf will be seated with us (Table 72), but bibah and mawar dah tercampak jauh kat meja 53 something laa...that was so disappointed gak laa..derang duduk ngn geng2 daud bahari sumer...ajan dtg quite late that nite, tp only one chair available kat table aku tu, yg lain sumer org dah duduk..aku dah rase tak sedap dah...when she arrived (ajan) sumer blank2 jer mane dia nk duduk, last2 daud bahari offered them duduk kat meja sana, it was so far away maa...aku mula stat rase tak bess, aku nk sembang2 ngn mate, oi..tak aci oi....hahahaha
Taper, ajan said she will find me later after eating...its ok..pas2 mkn tu aku yg g lepak kat meja derang..lepak2 kat sana..sempat gak la sembang2 'kejap'....since she got her bf with her, she kind of having conflict whether to entertain me of her bf..hahahah... so funny i guess, but its true, when u have your bf/gf and your bestest fren, u also might have conflict :) takpe la mate, aku faham situation ko tu..heheheh...we were planning to hang out after the event, i was invited ajan but she seems to has problem since she has to come back home earlier..aku faham mate, u stay with your mum takkan nk balik lewat pagi lak kan...erm..its ok laa....
Then i was planning to go out with her (ajan) tomorrow, but.....she cant because of some 'impossible-to-believe' reason by her bf...takpe la mate, dah takde rezeki kite nak kuar same...tgk la nnt aku dtg lagi kl maybe in august..hopefully that we can meet without any obstacle and more 'impossible-to-believe' reasons....
so, we hang out at pelita nasi kandar after the event with batch 99' and going home around 230 am...huuhuhuh...aku lepak kat umah ustat kat uniten...owh, almost forgot, that nite i won a lucky draw, a trip to Summerset (3 days 2 nites) at lucky maaa
I am so proud to be a SMSian, and very proud to be one of 'em...
SMS Selangor tegak berdiri
Banggaan putra putri
Menabur jasa membuat bakti
Pada ibu pertiwi
Kami pohonkan doa dan restu
Dalam menuntut ilmu
Agar berjaya segala cita
Harapan ayah bonda
Pada sekolah yang tercinta
Pada guru yang mulia
Mari kita semua berseru
SMS Selangor maju!
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