birthday party + van helsing
Saturday, May 08, 2004
smlm kitorg satu rumah g celebrate birthday party for belated and becoming birthday boys since next semester kitorg akan g praktikal...lepak kat pizza..byk giler mkn..3 org kongsi satu large and satu regular.. aku blasah 3 slices large satay supremo + wat balik 2 slices regular hawaiian chicken for cik lane..hehe..kol 3 pagi g hanta umah dia..adeh~..later then kitorg smbg tgk midnite citer van helsing...bole tahan..effect cun aku cam tak happy sgt cos pk pasal final..muahahhaha
{xoxoxoxoxoxo} clearwater sanctuary golf resort Friday, May 07, 2004
smlm..mase post moterm MAKK V..derang buat lucky draw for boucher yg tak habis.... lee dpt satu: lunch buffet kat Hillcity Hotel kat ipoh...skali aku dpt jugak 1 nite stay kat clearwater Sanctuary Golf Resort for 2. waaaaaa...pesal la aku lucky sgt.. special thanks to pijot......arigato
{xoxoxoxoxoxo} final pressure
aaaaa....3 hari lagi..dsp not finish yet..control: not start yet...paper...isnin dsp...selasa control....control 11 stady2...cik laneeeee...jom stadyy
{xoxoxoxoxoxo} here come.... Thursday, May 06, 2004
pagi sok...lam kol 1130..ada presentation eelab..adeh.... gudluck to maliki..ciaoo~
{xoxoxoxoxoxo} presentation+oral+project Wednesday, May 05, 2004
so tired......completed work for today...
{xoxoxoxoxoxo} staged 4 rawks!
aaa...all day long tak stady hari just 5 days more...hari ni lepak mph lagi sbb ada STAGED 4.... 18 bands performance damn good...apa ngn cik lane la...muahahah....byk lagu2 bess especially for the night session..ptg nyer session sedikit lemau...muahaha..rugi2....ermmmm..some of the good bands are silent noise... performing "she-wolf" but the mic didnt work so! the microphone...muahahahah...bess bess... biler STAGED 5 lak ni? tak sabo lak rase..hehehe
{xoxoxoxoxoxo} quote from ajan's blog.... Tuesday, May 04, 2004
"a very2 good friend of mine now is taken.
{xoxoxoxoxoxo} study-study~~
aaa... mlm nih stady ngn cik lane... lame gak..kol 9 lebey smpi kat kol 2 pagi... hehehehe bess bess... aku abis gak 2 chapter lebey..cik lane la byk giler kene baca... sbb dia refer text book~~..adehh..kalo la aku...sure tak ingt nyer.... style dia hafal cam bess jek... heheh..leh tiru tak ekk wak?
{xoxoxoxoxoxo} study week~ Monday, May 03, 2004
aaa..dah stat stady td bgn cam awal jek..nak carik cik lane nak ajak stady..skali cik lane tido daaaa..... lunch sesama ingt nak stady ptg sesama.. tp cik lane kene buat project sm dia...huhuhuuh..taper ..mlm ni stady sesama... heheh bess besss...mandi wey..mandi......
{xoxoxoxoxoxo} .....
have no idea.. today tak jumpe cik lane...just kejap je td masa closing comel with baju kurung..sempat jugak amik gamba with her..nnt la aku upload kan.....baru habis tgk animation BADANG versi kelantan ...dak mmu yg buat.. so damn funny...bess tul idea derang...dak utp maner produknyer? asik mendak jek keje..wakakakak....aaaa...bile nak tido + internet suxx
{xoxoxoxoxoxo} 2nd MAY 2004 - officially..... Sunday, May 02, 2004
sambung citer hari lain sbb after 12... hehehhe...masa aku dating byk perkara berlaku... the most important things in my life... i respect myself cos so brave...cik lane ckp knp aku sweet mlm ni.. adeh.... taleh nak jwb... fyi.. aku dating ngn cik lane hari ni lebey kurang 12 jam....and ending with the unforgettable moment.. we officially......tup tup tup... paham2 jek la... heheheh blushing blushing.... muahahah... kepada aku citer klat ko kisah ni caner terjadi.. i have no time because final xm just around the corner.. final xm tepat2 kene besday aku..cheh..tak bess..first paper..nak celebrate caner niiiiiiii????????? waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa......kasik can la weyyyyyyyy
{xoxoxoxoxoxo} |
![]() me, myself & I... ~ MaLiKi a.k.a. MaliQue ~ ~ MalaYSian ~ ~ UniVErsiTi TeKNoloGi PetR0na$ (UTP) ~
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