
Thursday, May 20, 2004

erm..just finished my dsp presentation... suck!(big time)...dr fadzil dah cam meyampah jek time aku present..actually result yg kitorg dpt tu cam hapeh jek..bkn betul pon..kelentong jek byk.. skali kene tanya mcm2 ..amik. taleh jwb... dia nak soh aku demo since aku buat digital fm stereo generation.. aku slamber ckp.. "we re not prepare for that" muahahahhaa.....byk gak kene bombarded...wat2 tatau ahh..heheheh...habis bala~~ on 24th...adeh....

malique (5/20/2004 05:12:00 PM)

(0)" ~Sile la komen~ "


DSP presentation....

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

waaaa... deadline 20 hb ni... mati ahh aku... dah byk aku dgr grup b4 this kene lecturer + torture ngn Dr fadzil... huhuhu.. cuak2.. aku tatau aper pasal pojek aku nih.. waaaaaaa... caner ni wey.. tolong~~ pok chet ngn jawe dah kene gak ari tuh..huhuh..cuak2...rumateeeeee...tolongggggg...jom buat dsp~~

malique (5/19/2004 01:43:00 PM)

(0)" ~Sile la komen~ "


4 down... 1 easy going paper to go..kah kah kah (gelak jahat)

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

taikkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk...susah giler ahh paper e machineeeeeeeeeeeee...... rugi siot tak stady last sem nyer paper.... waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... aku buat tu aku mengarut.. waaaaaaa..... giler tull... aku buat rumus sendre..muahahahhahaha... tinggal lagi selai...paper arabic language.. tolong.. saya nak A~~

malique (5/18/2004 08:38:00 PM)

(0)" ~Sile la komen~ "


3 down..2 to go....

Monday, May 17, 2004

comm sys dah abis...susah gak... sok e machine lak.. adei la.. byk tol nak kene apal.. adeh... tips pon tanak kasik.. dah la rumus tanak kasik gak.. kedekut tol syahrizal...huhuhu

malique (5/17/2004 04:34:00 PM)

(0)" ~Sile la komen~ "



Sunday, May 16, 2004

last nite tak stady ngn cik lane..dia pegi ronggeng tgk midnite citer Troy.. huuhuh.. so aper lagi aku amik kesempatan utk tido ..hehe slept until 11pm and then wake up to stay up..stady maa...esok paper comm susah gak..lots of things to remember,...adeh.. dah la esemen dia byk~.. terima jek la...

malique (5/16/2004 01:23:00 PM)

(0)" ~Sile la komen~ "


- my mood -
my mood -