Eagles - Hell Freezes Over
Friday, July 29, 2005
Weh korg, sesaper ader clips Eagles from concert Hell Freezes Over sile la ckp kat aku... tak pon bg aku link tempat aku bole download from internet...heheheh..timasehh~
malique (7/29/2005 09:28:00 AM)
(0)" ~Sile la komen~ "
Google Site & Japanese Name
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Check this out guys~ ... I got my own Google search page...hahahah...

http://www.logogle.com/ggl.php?hl=ja&lo=MaLiQueCheck this out too..I got my name in Japanese Family....waaaaaaa... so cool, these are some of the Japanese Translation...

Those who are interested to check out their names in Japanese Family, go to this site~~
malique (7/28/2005 12:41:00 AM)
(0)" ~Sile la komen~ "